Monday, June 20, 2011

My Laundry Line Never Looked So Good!

To say the least, these gorgeous new fabrics make my line look awesome! (I wish I had spare just to leave hanging all the time, so that every time I look out the window, I'd catch a glimpse of them!)

Wondering what they are? (I say this for my family that reads this blog but don't have much interest in sewing themselves...) They are from Anna Maria Horner's new line LouLouThi. Yes, I adore her fabrics. This is her latest line. I love it. I want more of course, but for now, this is what I have. This fabric will be turned into pillow covers for our upstairs couch. I have wanted covers for the regular pillows ever since we got the couch (about 4 years ago), but had never gotten the perfect fabric for them. Now I have it. This is one project getting bumped up on the (very long) sewing list! I can't wait to make them!

Thanks for letting me share!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just one of those days...

So, with the release of CraftSanity Magazine this week (and my pattern in it), I really wanted to have a few items for sale in my Etsy shop. However, my attempts at sewing yesterday did not yield the results I had hoped for. It was just one of those days. Nothing would work right. The pattern I was using (my own, and I've used it before...just a few days ago!) just wouldn't turn out the way it's supposed to. Finally, at 11:30 pm, I gave up and headed for bed, tears in my eyes as I looked at my sad attempts at sewing for the day. My dear sweet hubby tried to cheer me up and tell me that it all looked great, but I know the truth.

And now, it's the end of the school year (with all the picnics, graduations that it entails), we have a very busy week and next week I'll be prepping for our time with our family. So, sadly, I think it's quite possible that there will be no "stocking" at my shop this week. Maybe. I may attempt again if I can sneak down to my studio for a few minutes and sort out the troubles I was having yesterday. Or maybe I'll try making something else for the shop.

At any rate, I'm sure no one is "standing in line" waiting for me to stock my shop, however, I do apologize for my lack of getting things listed. Thank you for understanding. I truly do appreciate it!

I hope your day goes better than my sewing attempts yesterday!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Coming!!

CraftSanity Magazine, Issue #3 (summer), is being printed as we speak! And I'm a featured designer in it! I can't hardly believe it!

If anyone is interested in knowing a bit more of my personal story behind getting this pattern published, read on! If not, my feelings won't be hurt! But I hope you enjoy the sneak peek again of the skirt that is soon-to-be released!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to sew and create new things. I've been doing it for years. Especially since buying my own sewing machine 11 years ago. Every time someone suggests I go into the sewing business, my answer is always about the same: I'm too busy. But maybe someday.

The "busy" comes in part from being a mom to three young kids. It also comes in part because I have other interests and pursuits that I feel are even more important than my own creativity. What it boils down to is that sewing has always been a hobby for me. Sewing things for my kids, filling the occasional request from a sister or friend, making gifts for loved ones, ect. This has kept my sewing time very filled! And I've always been happy to do it.

Recently however, I had the opportunity to meet in person the amazingly creative woman behind CraftSanity Magazine (and CraftSanity the blog) Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood. It turns out we grew up not only in the same town, but in the same NEIGHBORHOOD!! Seriously, only a few streets away!

Well, after I reveled in seeing the wonderful projects from Issues 1 and 2 of CraftSanity Magazine in person,  Jennifer asked what I sewed. I admit I have a hard time narrowing this down, because I sew a little of *everything*. But I happened to be wearing my latest creation of a skirt, and so showed her that. She liked it! I told her of my plans to draft another skirt, similar, but more suited to light and airy summer fabrics. She encouraged me to work up the pattern and submit it for the summer issue of the magazine.

I fully admit I worked under the wire on this! Not only was the deadline only a month away, but I had a prior commitment requiring a fair amount of my time for the month of April, and a deadline for another sewing project. Happily though, after a few "failed" attempts, I finally got a muslin I liked. Then  came the sample skirt to send in and then the pattern instructions...something I've never done before! All said and done, I was sending it off rather close to the deadline, but I made it, and it was accepted for the magazine!

And now, it's almost time! I just received word that the magazine is at the printers, and will be ready the  week of June 12th! Yay! Here's the info on Jennifer's blog about the summer issue. CraftSanity Magazine-Summer Issue!

And now you want to know the last reason why I have never gone beyond "hobby" stage with sewing? I hate to admit it, but I  am afraid of "rejection". I like people to like me and my work. Of course I know I shouldn't ever take it personally, but sewing and designing is so close to my heart, and such a part of who *I* am, that yeah, the idea of someone criticizing my work (or just not liking it) is a little scary to me. Also I see all the other SUPER talented seamstresses out there in blog-land and I get an inferiority complex. I fully realize that there is SO much I have yet to learn in the art of sewing and pattern design.

And so, that's it. I've overcome one of my biggest fears already...that I would submit a pattern to a magazine and not be accepted. Thank you Jennifer, for being the first person in the industry to give me a chance. I really cannot express my appreciation enough. Only time will tell how my Eight-Panel Corset Skirt will be embraced by the sewing world, but for now, I am one thrilled woman!
